Wednesday 6 July 2016

Britney Spears Recreation - Planning

Britney Spears Recreation 

Image result for britney spears


The first thing we did before doing anything was watch the Britney Spear's 'Hit me Baby one more time' as pick up on all the different shot that was used to make the music video. 

The first thing that I noticed was that there was a huge amount of cuts and shots in a short amount of time. This made me aware of the differences between a film opening that i have had experience in, due to my As media production, and a music video. 

Now that i have consciously seen both similarities and differences I will now be able to produce a good music video.  

Recording the shots: 

This sheet was very useful when editing an filming as we knew what shots we needed to film and equally how long they needed to be in order to recreate the music video accurately 

Within this sheet I recorded the Time of each shot and the Movements, mise-en-scene, dance routine and other key elements which helped me include everything i had to include when I filmed the recreation.

I also created a digital version of the sheet so that I could visually see the shot type that I had to re create. This also gave me the opportunity to re evaluate the elements within the stops so I could add more detail 

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