Saturday 25 February 2017

Friday 24 February 2017

Options For Digipak

Options For Digipak:

Before I experimented in Photoshop, i planned out what pictures would look good together in the overall digipak. This was important as all my pictures featured different people within i as i tried to represent the music rather than the artist themselves. I also made sure that the pictures matched and didn't look too repetitive. 

Creative Choice: 

A specific idea that i had involved using one image across two pictures as i took the picture in landscape form I was able to do this. Not only did i think this was a good creative technique i also thought that it would be good was to keep consistancy. 

Unfortunately when i tried to transfer this into photoshop as i realised the way that the digipak was laid out it wouldn't work as on would have been upside-down.


PhotoShop Tutorial:

Filming Experience

Filming Experience 

Part one: 

Part two: 

Part Three

Appealing To Target Audience

Appealing To Target Audience 

DigiPak analysis

Thursday 23 February 2017

Feed Back - Poster

Feed Back - Poster 

The poster got really good reviews and said it was really in keeping with the Digipak and artist identity and felt that it was visually pleasing. the one criticism that i got was to make the album cover bigger so that it was clear that that was what i was advertising.


The only thing that i really changed was the size of the digipak on the poster and added a subtle pink border around the outside to highlight it further without making it too bold. 

Feed Back - Digipak

Feed Back For Digipak 

The feed back from was really helpful when deciding what option I should chose as i was torn between the different versions of the same photo i liked better. Likewise The improvement suggestions also really helped me better my digipak further by giving me fresh ideas that I hadn't thought of. 

Front Cover: 

Most of the the people that gave feeback chose the 3rd option as they liked the simplicity and the placing of the title best but felt that you colound see the writing as clearly. Likewise the first option was also a serious candidate which personally i liked better, i decided to improve this one further by placing a pink banner just over the album name to make it stand out more. This seemed to put both options together and please everyone. 


For my final Front cover i used the white for the artists name as wells as the album cover to give it more consistency as well as make it stand out against the background if i were to have it overlapping the busy background. 

Lyric Book: 

99% of the feed back stated that the first option was the best but that the it was dark and meant it was uneasy to see. They chose this option mainly because of how real that it looked and that the editing of the banner that said lyric book was cleverly placed. 


I improved the photo by bringing up the brightness of the photo as well as the Saturation to balance the colour pallet. this made it better with the overall colour themes as it made the colours seem more vibrant which was in keeping with the other photos 


Although I didn't have another option for this picture, i still wanted the advice from my peers as i felt like it lacked something but didnt know what i could do to impreove. The Survey showed that the setting fitted very well with the tropical house genre and the colours complimented eachother but it felt a bit plane.


I felt like this version fitted much better and just made the cd look really sophisticated and classic without looking boring or empty. The colours that I used were also within the colour theme that has been consistent through out.

Update: Improved further:

I felt that the background wasn't as realistic or didn't give off the the right atmosphere. despite the tropical background the palm tree in the middles of the cd didn't look right so i decided to change the background. With this background i mirrored the same picture to create the geometric style that is often used within a tropical house genre. The lighting in this picture also creates an illmnious glow to the Cd which contrasts to the relaxed blue surrounding it.
Back Cover: 

The Back Cover was one of my biggest dilemmas as I didn't know what picture i liked best and the picture that i wasn't going to use for my back cover would be used as my front. the feed back given helped me to decide that the first option was by far the best and looked really realistic. likewise that also thought that the text looked more mature with this picture but it was a bit difficult to see some of them


To improve my Back cover i changed the colour of the writing of the Featuring acts to white but i also added pink banners to the tracks that you could read the song title better. Likewise This also served a second purpose as emphasizing on these two tracks which at the bottom states that they both have music videos. This also added some colour to the Picture and kept the colour theme running through out.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Conventions Of A Digipak

Conventions Of A Digipak

Front Cover
Is the name of the artist clearly visible?
Is the name written with a unique logo design?
Is the name of the artist in the top third of the cover?
Is the title of the release distinguishable from the artist’s name?
Is the genre of music hinted at by the cover art?
Back Cover
What specific type of information is included on the back cover?
( Label name, catalog number, barcode, song titles/ times, contact info, (website URL,email address, MySpace address and same for any social networking sites), production credits, Producer's name
Are the graphic images and text and colours used clear and readable?
Label On Disc
Is the artist's name (logo) present and clearly visible?
What specific information is on the disc itself?
(Many artists leave the disc blank for 'artistic' reasons

Booklet/Tray Card
Describe the type of booklet used in your packaging.
What specific images, and text information is included?
( More credits, thank you’s, lyrics, pictures, etc.)
the artwork and design consistent with the rest of the artwork and design of the front and back covers? 

SIGALA - Digipak

Audio Analysis

SIGMA - DigiPak research

Sigmas Digipak's 

Audio analysis