Tuesday 19 January 2016

Filming experience 1

Filming experience

  • To insure what underwater shots I wanted, I pre-tested the camera with my main actress Aimee Paterson and experimented with what shots looked good and what shot did not necessarily work. This was done to make sure that during my real filming production, no time was wasted on shots that did not look good or work
  •  During form time, the morning of my filming i went round to the 3 form groups that i had previously asked to participate within the past two days, to collect the reply slips, confirming parental permission, allowing them to be filmed within the school swimming pool. (reply slip)
At this point i was very nervous as i was not sure i was going to get many reply slips due to the short notice. I was pleasantly surprised with the ball of energy from the 22 volunteers who returned their reply slips! 
  • Due to the unexpected huge number of volunteers, meant i had to quickly create a register of the girls who were going to participate in order to keep track of all the girls in case of an emergency. 
  • During break and lunch time, i gathered all my equipment and took it to the Pe department, ready for my use for after school. 
  • I also confirmed both mrs kirby (school lifeguard) and ms lawson (media teacher) if they were still able to supervise in case of any emergency and assisting me in keeping the volunteers under control. 
  • before the filming began I gave the volunteers a safe word 'apples' so that if a volunteer felt uncomfortable or felt like she was in danger she could shout this safe word and we would stop the process immediately and help them. (white bord)

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