Saturday 30 January 2016

Creating A Soundtrack

Creating my own soundtrack

creating my own sound track on Garage band was fairly difficult. After collecting the tracks I possibly wanted to use, I imported them all onto the software.
the first stage was deciding if I wanted to use all the tracks I found and if they sounded as good as they did on their own, together.

the tracks I originally used were ' ' but them I decided that this still was not enough an I needed another element of music that differed from the ambient sounds which would create  melody. I went back on to YouTube and found another clip that used a piano to create a melody, this was a beautiful piece of music and would fit well into the idea of people floating. After importing this into garage band and adding it to the sound track I made so far, I realised that this worked very well collectively and completed the missing piece of it.

  • after finishing the track I listened to it again and realised that the piano was too over powering and took away the spooky aspect of it by drowning out the ambient sounds. I then decided that in order to fit my genre I would switch it round and edit the sound track so that the piano was very faint in the background and the ambient sounds to be heightened. this was a much better fit for my genre and didn't takeaway from the tension.
  • within one of the ambient sound tracks, there was some ringing sounds which I did not think suited my film opening so I had a problem trying to remove them. I managed to fix this problem by cutting out these sections and linking it to a bit further on in the sound track in order to cover it.

  • Likewise another soundtrack had speaking over the top of it so I had to also cut these bits out in order for it work.  i selected the parts that i needed and managed to fit them together and place them over the top of the original sound track 
  •  once i finalised my sound track and placed it over the top of my film, i noticed that at some points it was too loud in comparison to the diologue, meaning it was difficul to hear and understand. i decided that I should ulter this on garacge band and look up how to play around with the individual volume by following a tutorial i found on youtube.


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