Sunday 17 January 2016

Location Recce

Location Recce

1. Queen Elizabeth's Girls' School's Swimming pool - Main Area for the film opening
This is my ideal Location for my film opening as it will be easily accessible to my actors as they are all familiar of the school's swimming pool. This will also allow me to Have a big cast as they are all from the school community and are already in the area to help participate. Likewise the big open space and general surrounding makes it look more realistic for the characters to be doing a fun swim lesson with teachers.

2. Sell Madosh (friend) outdoor Swimming Pool
This is my second location recce in case my fist choice cannot be made available to me. This setting Has a large open space around the swimming pool meaning it will be easy to walk around. Likewise the fact that it is my friends house means that it would be made available to me pretty much any time I needed which would be useful in case I need to re - film parts of my film. In contrast a negative would be that not all of my actors would feel comfortable going into a strangers surrounding meaning I may not get as many volunteers. Moreover if this was my location, it would be less organised as I would not be able to have any of the school staff help supervise which is essential.

3. Sophia Kipriorice (friend) indoor swimming pool
My third choice is my friends indoor swimming pool which would be used as a last resort. This location recce may not also be available to me as the resident is not that close of a friend I would be particularly comfortable asking to use her swimming pool. Likewise the fact it look very much like a Home pool also would create a confusion in my plot which would mean I would have to alter my story board as well as the overall plot.

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