Friday 29 January 2016

Typography Options

Typography Options

The genre of my film is a thriller/ horror meaning the Typography is going to be very distinct to the typography in a comedy. moreover, as my film is also a teen movie, I need to combine the mixture of genres to references both of them.

  1. The reason I chose typography on the left as a possibility for my credits is because of the curly calligraphy style that almost mimics the idea of water and waves which is a very important feature within my film opening  
  2. moreover, the middle typography is also an option as the sharp edges almost symbolise sharp objects, linking to the concept of danger.
  3. The last typography is my favour out of the three above as it almost mimics drip marks of blood creating a sinister effect.

  1. The typography on the left is also a possibility due to its uniqueness, the style of my opening is also unique so they would match well. In contrast the fact that all the letters would be in capitals does seem to bother me as I want to have a sinister ambient feeling font rather than a shocking loud typography.
  2. the middle font is my preference from this line as its bold dark border is very striking which creates strong impact but at the same time it is subtle.  The style is also very unique which would fit nicely.
  3. the last example of typography is very sophisticated and beautiful but imposingly this may not fit in with my genre of a teen horror.

This selection of typography was chosen differs from the rest as it seems more simple as apposed to extravagant which may seem over the top
  1. the first font type is my least favourite as it does not have many assets to it. in addition the simplicity of the typography greatly appeals to me in order to make my film opening look professional  
  2. the second font type 'Italian cursive' combine simplistic features with a twist due to the extension of some of the letters. I chose this one as an option due to the fact it relates to something elegant. I like this component of the font as although the shots of the people underwater are 'scary' it is also slightly elegant how they are floating.
  3. 'pieces of Eight' is my preferred font type  from these options as it combines again a simplistic tone as well as the thrilling feature by the capital letters. Although they are all in capitals some, the real capital letter is bigger than the rest so it does not take away from this. like wise fact that its only a small feature which includes something thrilling, It almost reflect the title and how it is 'unexpected'
  4. another one of my preferences of this line is 'Viking' due to have distinct it is from the rest. although it is also simplistic in a sense, the wide spread of the font is very unique which could reflect with my film opening

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